Sponsor kit

Her finder du alle informationer om sponsoreret indhold

Social Content

Instagram story

  • Shared in Story section on DSF instagram account

  • Instagram Story size:

    1080px by 1920px

    Sendes i filformatet jpeg/png.
    Det er muligt at have flere billeder sammen i invitationen.

    Størrelsen skal dog stadig være det samme.

    Send en kort fangende tekst med de vigtigste informationer - eks. dato - tid - sted - tilmelding - hashtags

    PDF’er kan ikke bruges.

Facebook event invites

  • Shared on DSF Facebook account

  • Mål til invitationer

    For invitationer til smagninger etc. sendes til

    Mål på invitation til Facebook skal være kvadratisk 1080 x 1080 px og sendes i filformatet jpeg/png.
    Det er muligt at have flere billeder sammen i invitationen.

    Størrelsen skal dog stadig være det samme.

    Send en kort fangende tekst med de vigtigste informationer - eks. dato - tid - sted - tilmelding - hashtags

    PDF’er kan ikke bruges

Instagram event invites

  • Instagram event invites will be posted on DSF official account

  • For invitationer til smagninger etc. sendes til

    Mål på invitation til Instagram skal være kvadratisk 1080 x 1080 px og sendes i filformatet jpeg/png.
    Det er muligt at have flere billeder sammen i invitationen.

    Størrelsen skal dog stadig være det samme.

    Send en kort fangende tekst med de vigtigste informationer - eks. dato - tid - sted - tilmelding - Hashtags

    Observe that no direct links can be shared on Instagram posts, so include sign up in images or text

    PDF’er kan ikke bruges.

Blog content

1/2 banner

  • 1/2 banners will be placed into blog articles with a direct link to chosen URL. If you wish to track the link provided, you can send us a tracking link.

    OBS in mobile view the ½ banner and the 1/1 banners look similar due to responsiveness.

  • For a 1:2 banner image:

    • Width: 475 pixels

    • Height: 350 pixels (maximum)

    Provide a URL for linking (you can also send a tracking link if desired). The images will respond responsively on mobile and tablets, with the full sizes displayed on desktop.

1/1 banner

  • 1/1 banners will be placed into blog articles with a direct link to chosen URL. If you wish to track the link provided, you can send us a tracking link.

  • For a 1:1 banner image:

    • Width: 1165 pixels

    • Height: 820 pixels (maximum)

    Provide a URL for linking (you can also send a tracking link if desired). The images will respond responsively on mobile and tablets, with the full sizes displayed on desktop.

Image library with lightbox (max 8 images)

  • Image Library will be placed into blog articles with a direct link to chosen URL. If you wish to track the link provided, you can send us a tracking link.

  • Provide 4 or 8 images in high resolution. Images will be cropped in “all view version” with the possibility to open up in a light box for full view.

    Provide a URL for linking (you can also send a tracking link if desired). The images will respond responsively on mobile and tablets, with the full sizes displayed on desktop.

Embedded YouTube Video

  • The embedded YouTube video will be placed as sponsored content within one of our blog posts. Viewers can play the video directly within the blog post or visit the sponsor’s YouTube channel.

  • Make sure your YouTube channel and the specific video are set to public.

    • Copy the link to the video so we can embed it.

    Please note that the current thumbnail for the video will display on our blog. If you'd like to change the thumbnail, you’ll need to do so in your YouTube channel settings.

    The video will respond responsively on mobile and tablets, with full size displayed on desktop.

Editoral sponsor content

  • The editorial sponsor post will be placed on our blog and as a spot on our “View all” page

    • Headline: Maximum 80 characters, including spaces.

      Ingress: Maximum 300 characters, including spaces.

      Body Text: Minimum 600 words and preferably a maximum of 1500 words.

      Quotes: Highlight any quotes you want to emphasize and include the name of the person to whom the quote should be attributed.

      Subheadings: Break content into scannable sections with bold

      Spellcheck: We reserve the right to perform spellchecks and rearrange content, but please make sure to check spelling and grammar before sending it to us.

      Target keywords for SEO: Provide 2–5 relevant keywords or phrases to include naturally.
      Example: “natural wine,” “sustainable winemaking,” “Nordic wine culture.”

      Header tags: try using clear, structured H1, H2, and H3 tags for better readability and SEO.


      • Preferably landscape-oriented images with a 3:2 ratio (otherwise, we might crop them to fit). Images must be high resolution.

      • Provide an image description and credits (e.g., photographer's name).

      • Submit a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 6 images, and mark the preferred blog hero image.

      • Option to include a lightbox gallery: Provide 4 or 8 high-resolution images as part of an event series.

      Links: Clearly mark any links, and we will hyperlink them to open in a new window.

      Bio: Include a 2-3 sentence bio for the writer or company submitting the post.

      Profile Picture: Provide a profile image (or company logo) to accompany the bio.

      Sponsor Ads:

      • Your blog post may include additional content from our sponsors, such as ads, banners, videos, etc.

      • If you are a sponsor writing an editorial article, please provide your banners and ads with the post. For sponsored editorials, no other ads or banners will be included except those you provide.

      Send material: if heavy files, please use a fileshare service like We Transfer, and ping us with an email that you have done so. We do want your text in a .doc, .pages format for easier editing, do not send a pdf.

      If you have any questions, please let us know.



Embedded Instagram post

  • The embedded Instagram post will be placed as sponsored content within one of our blog posts. Viewers can also visit the sponsor’s Instagram account or post via the “View Post” option.

    Please note that, depending on the length of the post, the embed code may occasionally crop the text.

  • Make sure your Instagram account and the specific post are set to public.

    • Copy the post URL link so we can embed it.

    Please note that the first image in the post will display on our blog.

    The post will respond responsively on mobile and tablets, displaying in full size, and at half size on desktop.

    We can only embed Instagram posts, not Stories or Reels.